How to Change Western Union Receiver Name?

I worked as a customer support representative at Western Union for 8 months.

 Believe it or not, in this short time span. The most common customer support query I received was about changing the receivers name on a Western Union transfer. 

Mistakes often happen in the receiver’s name when sending money. Sometimes the name is misspelled or you might want to send it to a different person. 

Which could be a big problem, because if your receiver’s name does not match EXACTLY as it appears on their ID. They won’t be able to receive the funds. 

So let’s see how you can change the receiver’s name on a Western Union. 

how to make a receiver name change in western union transfers.

Can I change Western Union receiver name?

Yes, Western Union allows you to change the receiver’s name on a money transfer after a transfer has been paid for. However, every name change you request first needs to be approved.

The name change request has to be submitted by the sender. The receiver cannot request a name change from his/her side.

What kind of name change is allowed?

This is a difficult one to explain. Western Union usually does not allow full name changes. Meaning you cannot change a receivers name from Steve Prude to Mike Gardener.

Only partial changes, like a spelling mistake, have the best chance of getting approved.

How to change Western Union receiver name?

There are a few ways you can make changes in your receiver’s name, depending on how you made the transfer. 

Receiver Name Change Form

Applies to: Retail, Website, App

If you don’t like to wait in line for a customer support representative. You can use Western Union’s online Receiver Name Change form to submit the updated name. 

To request a name you need to have the following details about the money transfer.

  • MTCN 
  • Sender’s Full Name 
  • Sender ID details (drivers license, or any other picture government issued id)
  • Receiver’s Current Name
  • Receiver’s Updated Name

After providing all the details. Western Union would get back to you with an update on the request. Once again, the name change request is subject to Western Union’s internal policies and they can deny it if you are requesting a full name change. 

Name Change on App or Website

Applies to: Website and App Transfers

You can make minor changes to the receiver’s name on the website and app. If you want to request a major change, you should use the self-service form mentioned above. 


  1. Log in to your account on website or app
  2. Click the Menu button on the top and select History from the drop down
  3. In recent money transfer click on the transfer you want to make the changes on 
  4. If the transfer is eligible for a name change. You should be able to see an option to change the receiver’s name. 

Contact Support 

If you are not able to make the changes with self-service options. You can always get in contact with Western Union’s support. 

They would be able to make the changes right away. Otherwise the support representative will let you know that the changes cannot be made. 

What if Name Change was Unsuccessful

If your receiver name change request was declined by Western Union. You are left with two options:

  1. Get a Refund
  2. Leave Transfer as is

If your receiver’s name does not match their valid ID, and you are not able to make the changes. You can get a refund on the transfer. 

If however, you decide to leave the transfer as is. The money would stay in Western Union system for upto 90 days after sending the money. After which it would only be accessible by you as a refund. 

Will I get get the fee back

It depends. Western Union categories all refunds into Faulty and Non-faulty. If the name was spelled wrong by the agent’s mistake or a technical issue by Western Union. You will get the fee back. 

They will also give the whole amount back if you intend to send the funds back with the right name. All these scenarios are classified as Faulty.

The Non-faulty transfers, where the wrong name was put by the customer’s mistake. The fee is subject to fee deduction according to Western Union’s Policies.

Recommended Read: How to Send a Western Union to Receiver with No Last Name

What kind of transfers don’t support Receiver Name Change?

Receiver Name change is not allowed on TMT (Telephone Money Transfers), Money Orders Bill Payments, Direct to Bank, Prepaid Money Transfers. 

If you mistakenly put a wrong name in any of these transfers. Getting a refund is the only viable option.

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