Western Union’s unique remittance system relies on an MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number). This MTCN is generated when a system verifies a valid transaction is entered in for payment.
The number contains all relevant information ab
out the receiver, the sender and the money transfer. But what to do if you lost your Western Union tracking number?
Will the funds still be paid? If not, how can you retrieve a lost MTCN number?
Where do I look for Western Union Tracking Number (MTCN)
Not sure where to look for an MTCN for your Western Union? Read on
For Store Transfers
For transfers paid at the store in cash. You should get a paper receipt for the money transfer. It should have all details for the transfer along with the MTCN.
For Website and App
To digital transfers Western Union will send you an email confirmation of the transfer. If you don’t see an email receipt in your inbox. Try checking your spam folder.
For TMT Transfers
For transfers made on the phone. The customer representative would read out the MTCN at the end, and advise you to write it down. You should also receive an email confirmation of the transfer if you provided an email address.
If you feel like the receipt did not arrive. You ask the customer support to send you a new transfer receipt at your registered email.
What to Do if Your Receipt/MTCN is lost
Go Back to the Store
For retail transfers, you can go back to the store where you made the transfer. The store agent can issue you a new receipt for the transfer. It would have the MTCN your receiver can use to pick up the funds.
To get a new receipt, the agent will check your valid government issued ID and the phone number you used to create the transfer.
For Website and Mobile App
If you didn’t receive your digital receipt for your Western Union. You can find the number in your Western Union account.
Here’s how:
- Log in to your account
- Select the menu button and click History
- You will see a list of recent transfers
- If your transfer was successful you will have an MTCN number next to it.
For TMT Transfers
You can call Western Union’s helpline to ask for a new receipt. It would be sent to you via email. In case they had the wrong email on file or you were not able to receive the email because of some technical reasons. You can claim a refund without the MTCN number .
How to Track Your Western Union Transfer If The MTCN Is Lost
If you’ve lost your MTCN, you can still check the status of your money transfer using Western’s union tracking.
- Go to Western Union Track your Transfer Page
- Select Don’t Know the MTCN
- Select if you’re the sender or receiver
- You can try to look up for your transfer by providing some additional details like the date of transfer, sender and receiver name and the receiving country.
Can the Receiver Pick Up Western Union without MTCN
No, you need to have an MTCN number to pick up a Western Union.
If you are the receiver for the Western Union. You need to get in contact with the sender. Customer support or the agents at the store will not be able to give you the MTCN number. It has to be provided by the sender.
In addition to the MTCN, the agent or the kiosk might ask you for additional details for the transfers. For example, the phone for the sender, the amount being sent, the state/country it came from.
You also need to have a valid government issued ID that matches exactly as the name appears on the transfer.